E-learnings that make your audience love what they learn!

Educating travel agents is the key to a successful trade marketing campaign. While our global travel trade database helps you to recruit agents for your e-learning, our learn management solution provides you with a range of plans that ensure that travel agents convert into product experts.

Product Quiz

Are you looking for a short format to update trade partners about your travel product? Do you want to test a certain market? Then a product quiz is what you need. This short format offers you all the major features, such as a dedicated landing page, collateral download, knowhow test, reporting, and email marketing to our global travel trade database.

Compact Course & Intensive Course

This more comprehensive course will provide you with several modules to cluster your training in various categories or allow partners to join your course. It comes with a landing page, collateral download, knowledge check, branded applicant certificates, and reporting combined with event marketing and incentive campaigns.

Multiple Markets

If you want to educate travel agents in multiple markets or in a whole region, then this multiple-market offer will serve you well. It provides nine course modules that can be distributed as required. It offers up to three landing pages and access to three country-trade-databases, plus event marketing for three markets.